Ask about our “QUIK” Cash Line of Credit


Life can take a funny turn with no warnings.  Many times that involves finances – an appliance replacement, medical bills or even a loss of your job.  Count on a BSE ”QUIK”  Cash Line of Credit to save the day!

After you are approved for the Quik Loan, as you make payments you’ll have funds available immediately since it is a revolving loan.  No more having to apply for a loan……… the funds are available to withdrawal or transfer.  It can be a true lifesaver!            

With this new source of funds, a “Quik” Cash Line of Credit helps you avoid payday lenders or having to skip paying other bills only to fall behind and rack up more interest charges.  Escape the worry.  Apply for a Quik Cash Line of Credit today!  You’ll quickly get the boost you need!