Beginning January 1, 2025 look for our simpler application. We’ve not only changed the application but we changed the due dates as well as when the funds will be awarded.
Please note: No matter what your age, this scholarship is for those who are looking to further their education.
Looking for funds to attend any of the following?
Cooking School
Auto/Truck Diesel School
Nursing School
Heating & Cooling School
Business School
Schools to further your education
Our $1,000 scholarship is “NEEDS BASED” and can be used for tuition to attend any school to further your education. This scholarship will be awarded to one individual by February 1, 2026. If you’re not sure you can apply for what your needs are please do not hesitate to contact us at 440-243-9180 or email us at Not a member yet? Call us to see how you can become a member.
This scholarship is offered to BSE members, their children or grandchildren. This $1,000 scholarship will be awarded to one individual who will be chosen by our Scholarship Committee from the applications received by January 1, 2026. Click here for the new Scholarship Application.